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Do you want to be prepared for the next wildfire season by identifying the highest-risk areas for wildfires? We can help you with that!

LUCI is a wildfire risk map, More specifically it is software generating maps that highlight areas susceptible to wildfires. The purpose of these maps is to empower landowners and stakeholders to take proactive measures to enhance wildfire resilience. 

Through the integration of machine learning, geospatial analysis, and historical wildfire data, LUCI can predict areas susceptible to wildfires with over 90% certainty.

Our comprehensive approach considers past, current, and future wildfire risks to support precise planning and effective mitigation, enhancing resilience.

Why Choose LUCI?

Globally Applicable Model

LUCI adapts to country-specific wildfire factors.

Provides Accurate Predictions

The solution provides accurate predictions due to advanced machine learning.

Unprecedented Insight

LUCI gives detailed insights into wildfire risk contributing factors. 

Highly Detailed Risk Localisation

The solution provides precise highlights of high-risk areas.


LUCI is a user-friendly wildfire risk assessment system.

Need a wildfire solution?

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